Blood Rose: In the Shadows - Book 8 Read online

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  Still riding high from the pleasure, I push my toes against his pants and underwear, shoving them past his muscular thighs. Digging my nails into his back, I pant in his ear, “I want every part of you touching me, Calder. Don’t hold back. Fuck me with all you’ve got.”

  He nips at my jaw, then my neck before he withdraws and burrows fully against me. I scratch his back, encouraging his erotic roughness. The sensation of his balls hitting me each time he slams deep, combined with a primalness I’ve never seen in him before, only heightens my own response. The couch rocks with our movements and bits of something scatter all around us just as my climax shatters me from head to toe. Calder presses his mouth to mine, capturing my scream of ecstasy right before his own orgasm rips through him in a low, fierce roar of release.

  My eyes flutter open and the sight of a puzzle piece stuck on its side in Calder’s hair makes me laugh. Blowing off a puzzle piece that had landed on my breast, I smirk as I read the label on the container above. “If that’s not a big hint that you’ve totally solved me, I don’t know what is.”

  Calder takes in the colorful puzzle pieces scattered around us and on the floor, then glances up at the empty container lying on its side on the glass shelf above and reads the label. “Solving the Greatest Mystery.” Chuckling, he presses a soft kiss to my lips. “As your Master Puzzler, failure was never an option.”

  We share a smile and then Calder turns his head, listening. “The music has stopped.” Pulling back, he stands and fixes his clothes, then grabs a couple tissues from the desk. He leans close and just when I think he’s going to kiss me again, he cleans me up, his movements quick and efficient. “We need to move.”

  Confused by his sudden change in demeanor, I wonder if he knows the music stopping means someone will be entering the office soon, so I stand and step into my shoes while quickly adjusting my dress. Running shaking fingers through my mussed hair, I glance his way. “What’s going on? Is someone coming?”

  Calder touches my chin, then clasps my hand and opens the door. “Come on.”

  I have no choice but to follow, because he doesn’t release my hand as he closes the door. No one notices us emerge from behind the curtain. The club is packed wall-to-wall now. They must’ve opened the doors to the outside crowd, but everyone’s attention is focused on the stage and Alana, who’s standing up in the spotlight, speaking into the microphone.

  “Calder Blake? Get back up here.” She lifts her hand to her forehead to block the spotlight and peers into the crowd. “I’m sure you all want to hear the inspiration behind Calder’s sexy tattoo.” Waving her hands, she urges the crowd’s participation. “Am I right?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  “We want to know.”

  “Give us more.”

  Several women whistle and cheer, “He’s right here,” as Calder walks through the crowd with determined strides. Once we get close to the stage, I try to dig my heels in and pull free of his hold, but his fingers lace with mine and he tugs me right up onto the stage with him.

  “Good evening, everyone,” he says, his voice booming. When Alana tries to hand him the mic, he shakes his head. “Can you all hear me okay?” Once the crowd calls out their agreement, he nods and waits for them to settle.

  The room quiets and he lifts his hand toward the posters all around the room. “As you know, my photo was listed in the temporary tattoo section in Alana’s book…”

  As a wave of disappointment buzzes across the room, he shakes his head, a slight grin on his face. “The skull underneath the raven’s wing was related to a case I was working on, but…” He pauses and glances my way. “The inspiration for the raven across my shoulders and the reason it’s permanently inked on my skin today is standing right next to me. Everyone, meet the woman I can’t get to marry me fast enough, my fiancée, Cass Rockwell.”

  The whole room claps and whoops, and while I stare in shock at Calder, he lifts our clasped hands to kiss my diamond. Smiling widely, he waits for the crowd’s awwwww to die off. “I know a few of you here tonight are familiar with my talented fiancée, but for those who aren’t…in truth you’ve actually enjoyed her work, and probably didn’t even know it.”

  As he speaks, my heart races when six of my past clients walk up onto the stage and stand to my right, their glamorous presence creating an excited stir in the audience, along with a flurry of camera flashes. Hailing from five different countries, the four gorgeous ladies and two handsome men are some of the most sought after models in the world. How did Calder do this? More than a bit nervous, I smile and nod my appreciation of their support, even though I have no idea what’s going on.

  Squeezing Calder’s hand, I look at him in confusion.

  “Every good story brings its symbolism full circle, right?” Calder faces the audience once more, his deep baritone demanding their rapt attention. “I promise, it’ll all come together,” he says with a softer tone, making the crowd lean-in a little and smile right along with him.

  Who knew he was such a great storyteller? My cheeks turn hot when I realize he’s now looking at me. “This woman is the most talented, witty, intelligent, and loyal person. She has inspired me in so many ways, just like she’s inspired each of you through her work with the ladies and gentlemen standing up here tonight and so many more.”

  Lifting our clasped hands high, Calder turns our hands over. When the person filming zooms in on my wrist and my raven tattoo shows up on two massive monitors, the crowd goes wild, cheering. “I give you…the anonymous photographer known as Raven. Alana was kind enough to let me share this big announcement and help Cass debut tonight, because she’ll be opening up her own photography business right here in Manhattan in the very near future.”

  “Congratulations, Cass.” Alana nods at us as she speaks into the mic. “Everyone here should’ve received swag bags, and Cass’s RAVEN business card featuring appointment only, exclusive shoots, is included in there as well.” Sweeping her hand toward us, she beams. “So how was that for a great story behind a temporary-to-permanent tattoo?” she asks with a huge grin.

  As the crowd applauds and whistles their approval, and reporters and photographers step forward to the bottom of the stage in order to snap photos of us and try to snag interviews with the models, I’m so touched by what Calder has done. The sacrifice he just made, by exposing his role as Steel in a very big and public way, just so he could help me…my chest tightens with emotion.

  This whole time up on stage, he never let my hand go, and now with the crowd going crazy, he tugs me to his side and wraps an arm around my waist. To keep from crying, I grip his waist and lean into his strength. All this time, I thought I needed to do everything myself, but there’s something so freeing about being with a person who sees you so clearly. Calder heard what was really important to me and he made sure that the identity I’d created and worked so hard to build didn’t get lost. “I’m speechless, Calder. Thank you for thinking of such an amazing way to bring Raven out.”

  He shakes his head. “I have no doubt you’ll make your business work, Cass. I just wanted to remind you that you are Raven.” Glancing up, he nods to someone behind me. “I believe they’re waiting to talk to you.”

  I barely get a chance to turn around when all six of my past clients converge on me at once.

  The curvy Brazilian with luscious hair hugs me and starts talking first. “I’m so glad your sabbatical is over, Raven…er Cass.”

  I hug her back and smile. “Raven is perfectly fine, but I won’t be traveling like I used to—” I say, then get cut off by the two models from Sweden.

  “We’ve missed working with you. What about special projects? We’d love to discuss some with you.”

  “When will you be available?” the French model, Monique, asks.

  “Have you considered helping with our mentoring program? You could shoot amazing portfolios for up and coming models we’re working with right here in New York.”

  “What about a portfolio service wh
ere we can keep ours fresh and updated with new concept content?”

  My head is exploding with ideas, but I don’t know which person to answer first. Calder leans around me and hands them each a gold card featuring a flying raven in the left corner and a new phone number and my email address in black script. “These cards have an exclusive number for past clients only. Don’t give it to anyone else without permission. Be sure to send Cass your project ideas, and once she’s up and running, she’ll get back with you and schedule meetings.”

  I’m so impressed by Calder’s intricate planning, even down to the business cards. I’ve decided my new phone number will come with a new phone. I’m ready to ditch my increasingly unreliable one. Not to mention, a new number means Celeste can’t go back on her word, because she’ll have no way of contacting an unlisted number.

  After Calder and I thank Alana and leave the stage, he presses a few of the special business cards in my hand. While a swarm of InkArt fans converge around us to get Calder to sign his centerfold picture in their book, my eyes mist over when I realize that the gold card adhered to the black one is actually a fine piece of metal. With the raven and the fancy script stamped out of the golden metal, the whole effect gives the black raven a raised look. It’s classy and beautiful, and so me. I freaking love it!

  I fold the cards protectively in my hand, heartfelt tears trickling down my cheeks. Once the fifty or so people get their books signed and walk away, I push up on my toes to kiss Calder’s jaw. “Thank you for believing in me.”

  He slides his fingers underneath my hair to cup my neck and pulls me close to kiss my temple. “I will always believe in you, Raven mine.” Sliding his thumb along the side of my neck, he continues. “Do you want to stay and mingle or do you want to head out?”

  I glance around the crowded club as music starts up once more. “I’m ready to go, but I need to tell Ben.”

  Calder shakes his head. “No need. I saw him leave as I pulled you up on the stage.”

  “Now I feel bad. I’ll have to apologize to him tomorrow.”

  “Why?” He frowns. “It’s not like you were his date.”

  “No, but he’d gone to get a drink for me earlier.” When he shrugs, I sigh. “Never mind. You’re not getting it.”

  Folding his fingers around mine, his frown fades. “I just want to go home and love on my fiancée as hard and as often as she’ll let me until we’re both completely worn out.”

  I smile my full agreement, my stomach fluttering in renewed anticipation. Peering through the crowd at the gaggle of paparazzi and other media types hovering just outside the entrance of the club, I grimace. “Do you know if there’s a back way out of here?”

  Chapter Thirteen


  My whole body aches as I roll over onto Calder’s pillow the next morning. Inhaling his wonderful smell, I moan and slowly stretch my sore limbs. God, he wasn’t kidding about going at it hard. I lift my arms and shake my head at the fingerprint bruises on the back of my hands and flex my sore wrists. Calder has to be sporting a few shoulder bite marks and scratches on his back. Grinning like a fool at the memory of last night’s adventures, I lift my head when I realize I don’t hear Calder in the shower.

  “Calder?” I call out, then notice the note he left for me on top of my phone on the nightstand.


  * * *

  I didn’t want to wake you before I left. I’ll be out of the office most of the day on a special project. If you need anything, call Talia or Bash. Will touch base with you later.

  * * *

  Only yours,

  * * *


  * * *

  P.S. Last night was fucking epic!

  Frustrated that I didn’t get to kiss Calder goodbye but that I also missed my chance to tell him about Celeste this morning, I glance at the clock, then scramble out of bed and head straight for the shower. Ack! I have less than two hours to get the money to Celeste. She might only be an hour and a half away, but who knows what the traffic will be like along the way.

  As I stand in the shower, quickly bathing under the hottest water I can to help massage my sore muscles, I know Calder would insist on going. Granted Celeste was pretty adamant that she didn’t want me to bring anyone, but if Calder were here, I’d at least ask him to follow me and wait at the top of the road or something.

  Once I get out of the shower and brush the fog off the mirror, the woman staring back at me looks rosy-cheeked and happy. But she also looks a bit tense and ready to get this money delivery over with. “She’s also not stupid,” I say to myself. Turning, I grab my phone and text Calder the address where I’ll be, along with a short note.

  I didn’t get to tell you about this last night since we got a bit—okay, a LOT—distracted. The address above is where I’m heading this morning to drop something off. Yes, it has to do with the person you didn’t want me to talk to, and yes, I promise this is the very last time she’ll contact me. I don’t have time to wait until you get back. There is a deadline for reasons I’ll explain later. Love you!

  After I’m dressed, I wrap each of the stacks of cash up in a plastic grocery bag. The doorbell rings just as I set them back inside my oversized purse. Panicking, I quickly grab all the paint supplies I’d bought from the store and drop them over the plastic bags, then snap the middle section of the tote closed.

  Surprised to see Ben at the door, I open it with an apologetic expression. “Hi, Ben. I was going to call you today. I wanted to apologize about last night.”

  He looks confused for a second, then nods. “No worries. I just had a double before heading home. I take it the rest of the evening went well?”

  “Yes, it did,” I say, smiling. I can tell he’s expecting me to ask him to come in, so I keep my hand on the doorknob. “I’m sorry, but whatever this is about, it’s going to have to wait. I have an appointment to keep.”

  A look of frustration flickers across his face “Actually, I really need to talk to you.”

  “What’s this about—?” I start to ask, then cut myself off. “No, I really don’t have time. I need to be on the road now.”

  Ben frowns. “This is important, Cass. Maybe we can discuss while I drive you. Where are you headed?”

  I start to shake my head, then glance at my phone in my hand. Calder hasn’t responded to my earlier text. I expected an explosive response by now. If I can’t have Calder with me today, no matter how he feels about his brother, Calder would expect me to let Ben back me up. He definitely wouldn’t want me to go alone. And the look on Ben’s face tells me he’s not going anywhere. Whatever he has to discuss, it’s happening and I don’t have time to argue with him.

  “If you’re up for a road trip, I’m headed to Beacon.” I gesture to the tote bag on the counter and make up a feasible story. “I’ve got this big project planned as a present for Calder, but I don’t have the skill set for it. I found a retired lady in Beacon who does excellent work, except I need to bring everything to her by today for her to get it done within the timeframe I need it.”

  Ben nods and jingles his keys. “Well, let’s go then. A road trip it is.”

  I quickly grab the tote and my phone, then lock up the house before I follow Ben to his car. When he asks for the address, I just give him the street name, town, and zip code. He looks at me expectantly while plugging the info into the GPS. “What’s the street number?”

  “She didn’t give me one. Apparently I’ll know her house when I see it,” I say, hoping I can convince him to wait down the road while I walk up to her house.

  While he shrugs and finishes adding the address info I give him, then starts the engine, I send a quick text to Calder.

  No need to worry. Ben just offered to take me. See you tonight.

  My phone hangs for a bit before the message sends. Exhaling my relief that it went through, I sigh when I see I only have one bar of service and wait for Ben to tell me why he showed up at my door. He chats about the event the n
ight before and his work with the Vets, but when he doesn’t bring up why he stopped by forty minutes into our trip, I adjust the tote bag at my feet to give myself more leg room and finally ask, “What was so important that it couldn’t wait for me to pop into the office later?”

  “I heard back from my colleague,” Ben says, resting his wrist on the steering wheel. “Whoever this person is, she’s most likely very sick.” He slides his gaze from the highway, dark eyebrows elevated. “How are you feeling?”

  Oh shit! He thinks those lab results are mine? I hold my hands up and quickly shake my head. “The blood work isn’t mine, Ben.”

  His brows pull together and his tone sharpens as he grips the steering wheel. “I’m nobody’s fool. No more smokescreens, Cass. I know you know, so who does that blood work belong to?”

  I glance away, trying to decide exactly what to say. It’s probably best to just go with what I told Talia. At least then I’ll be consistent. I just hate lying to him.

  “It’s Celeste’s, isn’t it?”

  I’m so shocked by his comment, I swing my gaze back to him. “How did you know that?”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I spent the first half of the morning with a real estate agent before unexpectedly heading to the office around ten-thirty. As soon as I enter the main door, I go straight for Talia’s office.

  Holding her phone to her ear, she beckons me in. “I understand. Thank you for telling me, Ms. Shaw. Yes, I know Adam has a soft spot for her. I’ll let Sebastian know.”

  She hangs up and steps over to the door that connects their offices and opens it. “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?”